The Remedy is The Drink Archetype™ that associates alcohol with relief from insomnia, chronic pain, or other physical ailments.

Over time, this archetype teaches the brain that alcohol is the only way out of suffering. The Remedy often leverages fear against your resolve to drink less.

The key to working with this archetype is learning how to separate pain from suffering so that you can better navigate your body’s ups and downs and set boundaries to respect its cues.


The brain associates alcohol with relief from certain ailments.

Drinking helps manage pain or feelings of fear, anger, and hopelessness about your body.

This archetype commonly appears when it feels like your body has let you down.

The Remedy tends to show up when:

    • Feeling constrained by physical limitations.
    • Coping with chronic pain or recurring injuries.
    • Struggling to fall asleep or stay asleep.
    • Experiencing hormonal shifts.

When The Remedy is activated, saying no interferes with your desire for relief, making it hard to abstain or moderate.


“A drink is the only thing that helps.”

Instead of offering relief, drinking increases inflammation, disrupts hormones, disturbs your sleep cycle, and diverts energy away from healing.


The specific thoughts, feelings, and actions associated with The Remedy create a learned behavior that influences how much and how often you drink.

The Ultimate Guide to Drinking Less outlines what you need to practice thinking, feeling, and doing instead to combat The Remedy archetype.


Common Obstacles

 The Remedy often uses fear to sabotage rules, drink plans, and Dry Januarys.

Keep in mind, not all obstacles will apply to everyone with this archetype:

    • Once the pain starts, you just need to find relief.
    • You were planning to cut back, and then you got sick or injured yourself.
    • To you, drinking is preferable over taking meds.
    • You feel scared or hopeless about your condition.
    • If there’s no cure, then why not drink?
    • You poured the drink because you can’t afford not to sleep tonight.
    • You poured the drink because you don’t want to lie awake worrying.
    • You’re angry or find it unfair that this happened to you.
    • You blame yourself for not doing more to protect your health.
    • You feel frustrated and down about your physical limitations.


Willpower and discipline often fall short because they ignore the subconscious desire behind reaching for a drink.

Learn about The Remedy’s deeper desire in The Ultimate Guide to Drinking Less and why it’s the hidden key to success.


The Perspective Shift

 “Alcohol is a costly bandaid that leaves me worse off.”

The Fix

If you want to drink less, you have to do more than say “No!” to your cravings. You must dismantle the beliefs associated with The Remedy that lead to giving in.

Get the specific exercises for The Remedy archetype inside The Ultimate Guide to Drinking Less.


The Superpowers

Letting go of The Remedy will help you find peace.

Here are some of the superpowers waiting to be unlocked:

    • Knowing how to befriend your body even when it’s not at its best.
    • Navigating your body’s ups and downs without unnecessary suffering.
    • Learning how to set boundaries, manage stress, and respect cues from your body.
    • Feeling calm and unbothered when you struggle with sleep.
    • Feeling thankful for your body even when it’s not cooperating.
    • Finding the wisdom hidden inside physical ailments, injuries, or discomfort.
    • Tending to your needs before they make themselves known.


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