The Hourglass is The Drink Archetype™ that associates alcohol with entertainment when you’re not enjoying yourself.

Over time, this archetype teaches the brain that boredom is a problem that must be immediately solved. The Hourglass often leverages restlessness against your resolve to drink less.

The key to working with this archetype is to look inside the moments you feel bored with curiosity so that you can redirect your desire.


 The brain associates alcohol with entertainment when you’re bored or looking to pass the time.

Drinking gives you something to do and makes certain situations more tolerable.

This archetype commonly appears during unstructured time, major life transitions, or when you dislike what you’re doing or who you’re with.

The Hourglass tends to show up when:

    • Spending time by yourself.
    • Undergoing shifts related to work, family, relationships, or where you live.
    • Feeling obligated to participate in certain activities.
    • Socializing with people you have little in common with or dislike.
    • Traveling frequently.

When The Hourglass is activated, saying no interferes with your desire to avoid boredom,making it hard to abstain or moderate.


“Drinking is better than doing this.”

Rather than keeping you entertained, the opposite happens. You become bored faster and less able to tolerate uncomfortable situations.


The specific thoughts, feelings, and actions associated with The Hourglass create a learned behavior that influences how much and how often you drink.

The Ultimate Guide to Drinking Less outlines what you need to practice thinking, feeling, and doing instead to combat The Hourglass archetype.


Common Obstacles

The Hourglass often uses restlessness to sabotage rules, drink plans, and Dry Januarys.

Keep in mind, not all obstacles will apply to everyone with this archetype:

    • You don’t enjoy spending a lot of time on your own.
    • You’d love to go out, but you have little kids and can’t leave the house.
    • You used to have so much to do; now you’re unsure how to fill the time.
    • You’re bored by your daytime activities (work, childcare, etc.) and don’t want to be bored at night.
    • You feel like you have no right to be bored by your life.
    • You travel frequently and are often too tired to explore your surroundings.
    • There’s nothing to do where you are.
    • You’d like to go out but don’t know anyone, so you end up staying in.
    • You compromised, and now you’re watching something you’re not interested in.
    • You find yourself wondering, is this all there is?


Willpower and discipline often fall short because they ignore the subconscious desire behind reaching for a drink.

Learn about The Hourglass’ deeper desire in The Ultimate Guide to Drinking Less and why it’s the hidden key to success.


The Perspective Shift

“Boredom is only a pointless emotion when I fail to look inside it.”

The Fix

If you want to drink less, you have to do more than say “No!” to your cravings. You must dismantle the beliefs associated with The Hourglass that lead to giving in.

Get the specific exercises for The Hourglass archetype inside The Ultimate Guide to Drinking Less.


The Superpowers

Letting go of The Hourglass will fill you with purpose.

Here are some of the superpowers waiting to be unlocked:

    • Going after what you really want in life.
    • Easily tapping into wonder and awe all around you.
    • Enjoying spending unstructured time alone.
    • Feeling at peace in the moments most people rush to find something to do.
    • Enjoying watching your mind wander.


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