A normal relationship with alcohol is waiting.

Are you confused about your drinking?

  • $You know glass #3 isn’t great for your health, but it’s hard to resist temptation.
  • $In certain situations, your resolve not to drink or to “go easy” disappears.
  • $You’ve sworn, “I’m never drinking that much again,” only to go back on your word.
  • $You’re disciplined in lots of areas, but less so when it comes to alcohol.

Drinking too much isn’t your fault, and you’re not doomed to struggle forever.

The Real Problem?

No one taught you how to have a healthy relationship with alcohol.

School focused on scare tactics and warned about the dangers of underage drinking.

Friends shared tips on how to get drunk fast and old wives’ tales to avoid hangovers.

Ads made it look sexy and fun but offered nothing beyond “drink responsibly” in tiny print.

Family warned of relatives with alcohol problems, but never explained how to avoid following in their footsteps.

The Result?

You started drinking without a lot of guidance… developed a relationship with alcohol without much forethought… and formed habits on a shaky foundation.

It’s no wonder drinking less can be frustrating.

No one ever taught you the basics.

Without any instruction, it’s easy to assume that healthy drinking should be instinctive.

But what if you struggle?

You’ve probably heard that some brains are “different,” and the only solution is lifelong abstinence.

So you keep quiet, hoping you’ll finally “learn your lesson” one day.

In this environment, it’s easy to ignore the early signs that something about your drinking feels off.

But this only serves to entrench unhealthy habits, making change harder.

Here’s the truth: Society set you up to fail and then made you believe that you were the problem.

A healthy relationship with alcohol isn’t just about how much you drink.

It’s about the role alcohol plays in your life.

When it comes to the brain, alcohol is more than a tasty beverage.

You’re reading the drink menu to find something that pairs nicely with your meal…

But your brain sees something more.

A surefire way to have fun.
Relief from anxiety and worry.
A fast-track to connection.
A way to
pass the time.
Permission to stop caring.
A remedy for a broken heart.
A reward after a stressful day.
An easy way to make anything special.

This is why rules, drink plans, and “Dry Januarys” often fail.

They’re focused only on quantity and ignore what the drink does for you.

Without this piece of the puzzle, successfully saying no will be hit or miss.


  • NFully trusting yourself around alcohol, whether or not you decide to drink.
  • NEasily saying no to another round without all the internal debate.
  • NFeeling relaxed and carefree on the nights you decided not to drink.
  • NNot stopping by the wine shop or the bar after a stressful day.
  • NTurning down a drink without awkwardness or worrying what people think.
  • NStopping even though there’s still some left in the glass.

All of this is possible when you uncover the real reason you keep going back for more.

That’s why I created

To help you learn what you were never taught. 

Only then can you figure out a relationship with alcohol that works for you.

Whether that means drinking less, drinking rarely, or not at all.

Creating a new relationship with alcohol is possible

When you follow the take a break process.


Discover the archetypes that have a hidden influence on your drinking.
Reduce your cravings, making it easier not to give in to temptation and excuses.
Personalized strategies to overcome the moments most likely to trip you up.

After one month

Your cravings won’t feel as powerful.

You’ll discover how to manage temptation without avoidance, isolation, or willpower.

After two months

Your favorite drink will be less tempting.

You’ll have tools to relax, have fun, and feel carefree without relying on the drink.

After three months

You’ll feel more in control.

You’ll know exactly how to prepare for anything that might derail your commitment.

“I’ve gotten control of my wine consumption. I feel like I have my life back, and I’m once again the happy person I used to be!”



“These practices not only help with drinking but have helped me be a better parent, wife, and person in all of my life. I am forever grateful.”



“Alcohol is no longer necessary… I feel free from the hold it had on me – it’s simply one of many choices out there to change, augment, or dampen my mood.”



“It is hard to put into words how completely revolutionary this has been for my mind and now for my life. What was once a longstanding, inescapable habit is almost completely forgotten.”


“I tried to cut back on my drinking for years and had basically given up. I thought I had a serious problem with alcohol, but I was just stuck in a pattern I didn’t know how to change. This work gave me the tools I needed to change my drinking without shame or deprivation.”



“I’ve been wanting to take control of my drinking for several years and was embarrassed and ashamed of my nightly habit of de-stressing with alcohol. I learned that change wasn’t about willpower but learning to nurture myself, especially when things get difficult.”



“I was finally able to look at my evening wine habit with curiosity instead of shame. Drinking is no longer a given, it’s a choice, and unless I’m feeling really called to it, I don’t have to bother.”



“I noticed I don’t think about drinking all day. I never drink mindlessly anymore, and I understand myself better. If I do drink, I make an informed decision.”



“I struggled with my relationship with wine for almost 30 years. I’ve learned so much about how my brain works, how to manage my mind around drinking, and how to work with myself instead of against myself, without all of the shame.”



“I fell victim to thinking certain days/situations are drinking times (Friday/Sat/Sun!), and it’s led to overindulgence, headaches, and hangovers, plus not being a good role model for my kids. The sound reasoning and logic of this approach is invaluable.”



“I used to reach for a glass of wine after walking into the kitchen at the end of the day. I don’t have that urge anymore. I no longer feel like alcohol is the enemy or something I don’t have control over. This has been huge, and I feel so much lighter.”



“Friday night without booze – no longer a problem! I learned how to believe in myself, embrace discomfort, and become a stronger and happier person.”



“You helped me pinpoint the elusive part I just wasn’t seeing… even though it was right in front of me: anticipating and planning for “the freak out” in my brain when I said no! Now, I feel so confident, capable, and determined. Truly like I got this.”



“I went from using alcohol as a crutch to hide from my feelings of overwhelm and inadequacy to learning that alcohol only magnified these feelings. Now, I’m confident I can handle anything that comes my way. My entire outlook on life has changed for the better.”



“I finally see what alcohol is in my life, how it serves me. Knowing this is so powerful because it allows me to see what I’m doing with it. My clarity of thought, my skin, and my workouts are measurably improved, which I never imagined would be the case.”



“Only wish I’d started this work sooner. It’s helping me to become the person I’ve always known I was meant to be. I’m unwinding my drinking and replacing it with bigger and better things. I have so much hope, but even better, an understanding of how to move onward and upward.”



Take a Break is unlike anything else out there.

  • $No shaming, scare tactics, or insisting alcohol is poison. We approach alcohol from a place of nonjudgment.
  • $No pushing abstinence as the “best” solution. We’ll support you no matter your goal.
  • $No need for lifelong support. We know that short periods of focused study can set you up for life.

Some members stay for several monthssome a year or longerbut the goal is always to graduate.

What’s inside take a break:

The Four Pillars Course

This framework teaches you the basic steps of lasting habit change so that you can stop setting arbitrary rules and hoping for the best.

ask a coach forum

An anonymous forum where you write in questions, get help with exercises or submit whatever is troubling you and get expert advice from a coach.


Personalized tools that address the eight different types of drinking and help you dismantle unconscious patterns keeping you stuck.


Our signature alcohol-free challenge is unlike any Dry January you’ve tried. Built to help you speed up the process of dismantling your archetypes.


In order to make good decisions, you need to stay present. Train your brain to drink without immediately going on autopilot or checking out.


Weekly calls with Rachel where you’ll learn how to bust through obstacles keeping you stuck. Join live or listen at your convenience on our private podcast.

The Four Pillars Course

This framework teaches you the basic steps of lasting habit change so that you can stop setting arbitrary rules and hoping for the best.

ask the coach forum

An anonymous forum where you write in questions, get help with exercises or submit whatever is troubling you and get expert advice from a coach.


Personalized tools that address the eight different types of drinking and help you dismantle unconscious patterns keeping you stuck.


Our signature alcohol-free challenge is unlike any Dry January you’ve tried. Built to help you speed up the process of dismantling your archetypes.


In order to make good decisions, you need to stay present. Train your brain to drink without immediately going on autopilot or checking out.


Weekly calls with Rachel where you’ll learn how to bust through obstacles keeping you stuck. Join live or listen at your convenience on our private podcast.

Get the courses, tools, and help when you’re stuck

For $197 (USD) a Month

Yes, it’s an investment, but it’s a lot less than the cost of doing nothing or repeating the same strategies that don’t work.

Because the money you waste on alcohol isn’t only found on your bar tab.

Think about all the lost time… late-night snacking… impulse shopping… skipped workouts… relationship problems… shame spirals… and the emotional toll of worrying.

In comparison, Take a Break is a bargain.

There’s no minimum commitment to stay.

Cancel any time.

Take a Break is about more than learning to drink less.

It’s an investment in your physical, emotional, and personal well-being.

Physical Benefits


Ditch the empty calories and extra snacking.

Look Better

Lose the puffiness, bloat, and tired face.

Improve Sleep

Stop the 2 am wake-up calls that wreck your sleep.

Regulate hormones

Balance your endocrine system and reduce hormonal imbalances.

Emotional benefits


Improve your mood and your brain chemistry.

Less anxiety

Feel calmer and better able to handle life’s ups and downs.

More confidence

Stop inventing excuses about why you’re not drinking tonight.


Wake up feeling proud of the decisions you made.

Personal benefits

BETTER relationships

Have more energy to give to the people you love.

More money

Save money on your bar tab and extra expenses that come with drinking.

More time

Your free time is precious, so let’s make the most of it.

No regrets

You only get one life. Stop wasting it by drinking too much.

Creating a healthy relationship with alcohol will upgrade every part of your life.

What will your drinking look like a year from now?

Here’s the short answer: Things will get worse, or they’ll get better.

Heading in the right direction is so much easier when you stop trying to go it alone.

Join Take a Break and never worry about your drinking again.

I’m Rachel Hart

A master certified life coach, creator of  The Drink Archetypes,™ author of the book, Why Can’t I Drink Like Everyone Else?, and host of the top-rated podcast, Take a Break from Drinking.

I’m on a mission to help people become more curious, open, and aware of their drinking habits so they can examine their relationship with alcohol without shame or judgment.

My approach is radically different from the typical 12-step or disease-model framework developed almost a century ago.

My ideas have been featured in The New York Times, The Mel Robbins Podcast, Women’s Health, and Psychology Today.


Am I the right fit?

Anyone over 21 who wants to change their relationship with alcohol is welcome to join. We have members of all genders from around the world. You might be a daily drinker or a weekend warrior. Some members have never experimented with alcohol-free periods before joining, others have done more “Dry Januarys” than they can count.

What if I’m not sure what I want my relationship with alcohol to look like in the future?

You’re in good company. Many members join, unsure if they want to drink less, drink rarely, or stop in the future. All they know is something needs to change, and want support on their journey to decide.

What’s the time commitment?

The four pillars course takes about four hours to complete. Some members complete it in a weekend, others use their first month to slowly learn the basics. After that, you can spend ten to fifteen minutes a day inside the membership. We encourage you not to wait for the “right” time to start. Changing your relationship with alcohol means applying and practicing this work in your real life. 

Do I have to stop drinking when I join?

No. We recommend familiarizing yourself with the tools and concepts before starting an alcohol-free challenge. Some members start the challenge in month one, others wait multiple months before feeling ready. Other start off doing the work on mindful drinking.

What if I’m already working with a therapist?

We have many members who work 1-1 with private counselors, therapists, or are part of peer-based support groups.

We welcome members under a doctor’s care and taking prescription medication for depression, anxiety, or cravings, but we do not offer advice on medication.

Can I participate anonymously?

Yes! Everything takes place on a password-protected membership site. We do not host a community on social media. You can submit anonymous questions in our Ask a Coach forum or on live calls. You can also keep your camera off when you request live coaching.

When are Rachel’s live calls?

Rachel hosts live coaching calls each week between 9am and 4pm Pacific. Most members listen to replays at their convenience on the private podcast. If you can’t make a call time, you can send in a question for Rachel to answer live.

How long do most members stay?

Most members who are committed to this process see massive transformation in six months.

It’s normal to encounter obstacles as you do the work. One of the key habits we focus on changing is what happens after drinking too much. Our goal is to help you shift gears so you don’t make it mean you can’t change and fall into the “f**k it” trap.

We’ll show you exactly what to do in these moments, but we can’t do the work for you. You must ask for help, and that will be uncomfortable at first. In short, the more you ask for support, the faster your progress will be.


Can I use my health savings account to pay for the membership?

Possibly. Check with your employer or insurance provider if you are unsure. Once you sign up, you will receive an email receipt that you can include in any paperwork.

Do you offer refunds?

No, but you are welcome to cancel at any time.


Customer Support responds within 24 hours, MondayFriday.

Rachel Hart International, Inc., this website, and its content, do not provide medical diagnosis or advice, or alcohol, drug addiction or substance abuse treatment, detoxification, or recovery services. For additional information see the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

© Rachel Hart International, Inc. 2024 All Rights Reserved